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For part of Orbit Books’s “How to Write Your First SFF Novel” event series, I was part of a panel covering “Creating Otherworldly Cultures,” joining wonderful science fiction and fantasy authors Ann Leckie, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, and Davinia Evans. If you registered for the event,

How my sound design work on science fiction and fantasy films (as Nia Hansen) cross-pollinates with my fiction writing is one of the most common questions I get asked. How does the sound of writing influence emotions? What helps suspend disbelief and immerse the reader

On this episode, Daniel & Jorge discuss different real multiverse theories that exist—some of which I'd never heard of!—as well as the multiverse design that’s fundamental to Nophek Gloss, which is unique among other theories. Toward the end, I have a fun interview with Daniel where

I was thrilled to do an interview for Grimdark Magazine issue #25 about my work in sound design for film, my worldbuilding, what I love in the SFF genre, and the emotional core of "grimdark science fiction" Nophek Gloss, my short story Save, Salve, Shelter,

Hosted by the wonderful Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore, I will be joined by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth on Nov. 18th to discuss Nophek Gloss and Veronica’s latest novel, Chosen Ones. I will also be signing and personalizing preorder book copies for this

I had a chance to write this essay for the "Big Idea" series on John Scalzi's blog. I talk about a core idea in the structure of Nophek Gloss's bubble multiverse and ask hard questions of what it means to be safe and to grow. When